!PUFF! is a Creative Collective out of Southwestern Ohio. Blending Music, Fiction, & Performance Art, !PUFF! brings characters to LIFE in a Compilation of Musical Fairy Tales.
Check out “NEWS” to see where we play next
!PUFF! is a dynamic group, with a wide set of artist-musicians joining the collective for live shows. Pictured (from left) are Co-Founder Bil Farrar on guitar & harmonica, frequent contributor Christopher Smith on bass and backup vocals, Kyle Truitt on drums and, Founding Visionary Conor Jameson on lead vocals and stories.
Writer and singer Conor Jameson birthed a brilliant vision of uniting exceptional and dynamic individuals to form a vibrant, artistic alliance that would come to be known as !PUFF!. Together with Bil Farrar, they began constructing a magical musical landscape. !PUFF! is a team of gifted artists who are constantly evolving and using their talents to amplify the sound and atmosphere of a whole world of fairy tales. Join us on this journey.
I know the only way to go is up -- And I can see that the only one I can change is me. --- I know that I’m the only one that can Really Do what I need...-----
I know the only way to go is up -- And I can see that the only one I can change is me. --- I know that I’m the only one that can Really Do what I need...-----
Oh won’t you come with what you know but remember things fall apart ...
Oh won’t you come with what you know but remember things fall apart ...
We are !PUFF!
Conor Jameson is a writer, singer and bohemian-punk princess with impulsive tendencies. With effortless beauty and a bit of “I have come too far to care,” she is made up of early morning sun, a little smoke, some loose change and an old piece of candy. She is funny and charming but also unhinged and enjoys telling obnoxious jokes. Conor hails from London and currently lives in Cincinnati, Ohio, with her daughter. She graduated from Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio, and is a proud disabled woman but terrified of details.
Bil Farrar, guitarist and co-writer, has the heart and spirit of the golden afterglow of an Ohio Valley sunset. Bil is part old cartoon, part helium balloon. He is a one-man circus. One person’s trash is his treasure. Everything is an instrument in Bil’s world, and he has fun experimenting. An amateur inventor, he insists that someone else needs to say these things.
Drummer Kyle Truitt is a beast, personal training and softball coach. Born and raised in Yellow Springs, Kyle is also a member of Mojo Power and a visual artist.
Christopher G. Smith harmonizes vocals in !PUFF! and is an occasional bass player and vocal coach in multiple area schools. Christopher has the gentle nature of a care bear with the ferocity of the Olympic flame. He defines himself in song, and his dedication to music is matched only by his dedication to his family. A frequent soloist for multiple choirs, Christopher commands attention and doesn’t hesitate to crack unholy jokes when the time is right. Originally from Dayton, Ohio, he lives in Cincinnati with his wife and sons.
…Joining us on our “Bad Attitude” recordings…
Guitarist Ian Henkel was born in the North, his skin smoked by the Texan sun. A member of multiple Austin, Texas, bands, he is disgruntled and often alienated by his own mentality. His mind is a birdcage only music will open. Ian longs for himself, finding creativity as a way to make sense of his world. He is both gentle and vicious, sweet and guarded: a flower in the eyes of Cerberus.
Gabriel Morales woos audiences with his trumpet-playing and graffiti art. He is the world’s expression of desire. He sees what he wants and the world offers it to him — no questions asked. Gabriel offers himself to art as he gives himself to a lover, with delicate thought and precision. Music gives him everything back a thousand times over. A purveyor of funk, Gabriel is a multi-channel musician, writer, producer, and businessperson.
Raw oat milk and a tapped maple tree, Dylan Sage on bass guitar is the flicker of a small town streetlight. He describes the oddities of our world, filtering them through his fingertips. He draws pictures of robots made of coffee cups and plays songs that keep pretty people out long after they're meant to be. Dylan’s lyrics echo worldly violations, blending arsenic mixed with melted caramel — delicious as well as deadly. Dylan, a visual artist, is also a member of multiple Yellow Springs bands, including Gran Gran
Nancy Paraskevopoulos graces !PUFF! on backup vocals. She is a steaming cup of lavender tea in a sunlit room, sitting on an oak table next to a record player. Nancy, a member of Cincinnati's Blossom Hall, is understanding and a great listener who seeks out peace and peaceful people. Check out Comfort Muffin for a taste of her style.